Payment must be received at the time of registration.
Notification of withdrawal by an exhibitor must be in writing and postmarked seven days prior to the first day of the conference. After that date a cancellation penalty will be assessed equal to one-half the exhibit fee. No refunds will be granted after the conference begins.
Terms & Conditions
We ask that you inform us of any special requirements we should consider in making booth assignments. Every effort will be made to satisfy your needs consistent with the overall needs of the conference. Wherever possible, it is our policy not to place exhibitors of similar products together. We do suggest that you submit your space reservation as early as possible.
Due to limited storage space at the conference venue, we require notification of incoming shipments and storage needs and reserve the right to refuse any shipped goods. Please notify the APTA Iowa office of all shipped packages. Note that the delivery will be declined and returned to sender if APTA Iowa is not aware of its arrival.
You will be responsible for packing, labeling and shipping your own outgoing materials following the meeting. Neither APTA Iowa, the conference venue, or persons affiliated with the meeting assume responsibility for storage or mailing of outgoing materials and do not accept financial responsibility for any damaged or stolen equipment.
The rights and privileges of an exhibitor shall not be infringed upon by any other exhibitor. APTA Iowa reserves the right to restrict or order the removal of exhibits deemed objectionable. This restriction includes articles, conduct of exhibitor representatives, printed matter or any other material or activities detrimental to the good order and conduct of the conference and its exhibits. The Executive Committee of the APTA Iowa Board of Directors will be the final arbiter.
Exhibitors must provide their own property and liability insurance. APTA Iowa and the conference facility, or any of the officers, staff, members or directors of either of the aforesaid parties, will not be responsible for any loss, injury or damage whatsoever or however arising which may occur to an exhibitor or their agents or employees or to their property or wares, arising from any cause whatsoever prior, during or subsequent to the period of this exhibit. Each exhibitor, by applying to exhibit, expressly understands that they release the aforesaid parties from any and all claims for any such loss, injury or damage.